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This project is in affiliation with the diverse research program at the Governor's School program at Innovation Park at the George Mason University. The Governor’s School @ Innovation Park (GS@IP) is a partial-day Academic Year Governor’s School program with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. GS@IP serves the school divisions of Manassas City, Manassas Park City, and Prince William County and is housed on George Mason University Prince William Campus. Students attend science, mathematics, engineering, research, and computer science classes at GS@IP in the mornings then return to their base high schools in the afternoons to take courses in social studies, language arts, and electives as well as to participate in extracurricular activities.

Emory Butler

I am a senior at Osbourn Park Senior High School, a recent Eagle Scout awardee, a National Honor Society Scholar, and I attend the Governor's School at Innovation Park. In my free time I like to let the seconds pass by with no interruption. I also make sure to boil my Pepsi before consumption.




Ari Poisik

My name is Ari Poisik. I'm in my senior year of high school, and physics has been a passion of mine since my first year. I like to learn about how the world around us works, and plasma and quantum physics (since these fields are quite pioneering) intrigue me the most. I've also played the violin for 9 years, and I like to cook, program, and compose.

Kalea Wen

My name is Kalea Wen and I am a senior at Patriot High School and the Governor's School at Innovation Park in the Physics Strand. I plan to pursue a career in modern physics research and computer science in the future. I have been playing saxophone for 7 years and an a member of our school's marching band and jazz band. I don't believe in birds. 

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